
Critical Care

Centesis & Drainaige

Fuhrman Pleural/Pneumopericardial drainage set

Used for the evacuation of air from the pericardial sac or to drain air or fluid from the pleural space.
In the centesis and drainage range we also offer the following products:

  • Wayne pneumothorax set
  • COOK Emergency pneumothorax set
  • Simple pneumothorax catheter aspiration set
  • Thal quick chest tube set
  • Wood pleural/pneumopericardial drainage set
  • Thoracentesis set
  • Pericardiocentesis catheter set
  • Lock pericardiocentesis set
  • COOK Peritoneal lavage set

One Lung Ventilation

Ardnt Endobronchial Blocker Set

Used for wire-guided endobronchial blockade of the left or right lung for procedures which require one lung ventilation. Arndt endobronchial Blocker set Cohen Endobronchial Blocker Set

Difficult Airway

Melker Universal Emergency Cricothyrotomy Catheter Set

Used for emergency airway access when conventional endotracheal intubation cannot be performed. The difficult airway range of products facilitate endobronchial intubation, endotracheal intubation or the exchange of endotracheal tubes. For assisted fiberoptic intubation:

  • Frova Intubating Introducer
  • Aintree Intubation Catheter
  • COOK Airway Exchange Catheters
  • Arndt Airway Exchange Catheter Set
  • COOK Retrograde Intubation Set
  • Enk Oxygen FLow Modulator Set
  • Emergency Transtracheal Airway Catheter
  • Melker Emergency Cuffed Cricothyrotomy Catheter Set
  • Staged Extubation Catheter Set


Blue Rhino G2-Multi

Intended for percutaneous dilational tracheostomy for management of the airway in adults only. Used for controlled elective subcricoid insertion of a tracheostomy tube. Blue Rhino G2-Multi Percutaneous Introducer set


Intraosseous Infusion Needle

Used as an alternative to intravenous access during pediatric emergencies, permitting infusion of drugs and fluids.