

Abscess Drainage

Gordon Large-Bore Drainage Catheter, Ring-McLean Sump Drain, Yueh Centesis Catheter Needle

Gordon Large-Bore Drain – The large-bore catheter facilitates drainage of thick fluids that will not adequately drain through smaller devices. Ultrathane® material enhances patient comfort.

Ring-McLean Sump Drainage Set – The sump lumen allows the free flow of air and provides the ability to flush the catheter while the drain lumen is draining fluid. The curved tip configuration facilitates drainage in small cavities.

Yueh Centesis Catheter Needle – Used for percutaneous fluid aspiration. The hollow needle cannula design permits aspiration of fluid prior to removing the needle cannula. Four sideports located on the distal tip of the catheter facilitate drainage in small cavities.


Access Sets, CHIBA and CORE Biopsy Needles, Diagnostic Catheters, Guide Wires, Introducer Sheaths, Dilators, Drainage Catheters, Biopsy Forceps, Biliary Stents, SOLERO MicroWave Ablation

Manage your Biliary Interventional Radiology procedures, including the most challenging cases, with relentless focus on patient comfort. With the right choice of percutaneous devices:

  • from diagnoses and access – Core, Trocar and Chiba Biopsy Needles, Neff Percutaneous Sets, Dilators, Peelaway Sheaths, Yueh Catheter Needles
  • targeting devices – Diagnostic Catheters and a wide range of Guide Wires
  • a selection of treatment options to complement each drainage procedure – Multipurpose, Dawson-Mueller and Biliary Drainage Catheters, Biliary Biopsy Forceps, Zilver Biliary Stents for the palliation of malignant neoplasms
  • tumour ablation utilizing the SOLERO Microwave Ablation System.

Renal Disease


Manage your Nephrostomy procedures, including the most challenging cases, with the right choice of urinary drainage products:

  • Ultrathane® construction for patient comfort,
  • hydrophilic coating for ease of insertion and radiopacity for precise placement
  • diagnoses and access – Core, Trocar and Chiba Biopsy Needles, Neff Percutaneous Sets, Dilators, Peelaway Sheaths
  • targeting devices – Diagnostic Catheters and a wide range of Guide Wires
  • a selection of treatment options to complement each drainage procedure – Multipurpose and Dawson-Mueller Drainage Catheters
  • kidney tumour ablation utilizing the SOLERO Microwave Ablation System.


Biopsy - FNA, Core, Soft Tissue, Percutaneous, Transjugular, Bone

Chiba DCHN Needle, Trocar DTN Needle, Quick-Core® QC Needle, Quick-Core® QCS Needle Set, Osteo-Site® Coaxial Bone Biopsy Needle, RUPS-100, LABS-100-J, RABS-100

Choose from our extensive inventory of biopsy and breast lesion devices:

  • Chiba Needles are ideal for initial access and FNA,
  • EchoTip® models allow for improved visibility
  • Trocar needles for access in nonvascular procedures
  • Quick Core (Single and Co-axial) Needles – lightweight and compact to facilitate one-handed operation during procedures. The etched tip enhances visualisation under ultrasound
  • Bone Biopsy – the ergonomic handle design of the cannula enables maximum performance
  • Transjugular sets – includes all components necessary for each step of the procedure
  • Biliary Biopsy Forceps – a single-procedure approach to percutaneous access for drainage and transluminal forceps biopsy of biliary strictures

Breast Lesion Localization Needles

Jabczenski Ductogram Cannula, Kopans Breast Lesion Localization Needle, X-Reidy Breast Lesion Localization Needle, Müller-Schimpfle Breast Localization Coil

Kopans Needles come in various sizes and lengths and are available with an echotip. The reinforced portion of the modified spring-hook wire serves as a visual and palpable landmark that helps the surgeon gauge the distance to the lesion during dissection and reduces the risk of severing the spring-hook wire.

  • X-Reidy Needle – The X-shaped hook provides excellent fixation and is intended to limit migration before surgery
  • Müller-Schimpfle Coils – The EchoTip® needle allows for increased visibility under ultrasound. The coil acts as a marker to indicate the location of the lesion
  • Jabczenski Ductogram Cannula – The right-angle design of the 30 Gage 5 cm cannula tip enables an unobstructed view of the duct for placement

Porto-Systemic Shunts

Rösch-Uchida Transjugular Liver Access Set, TIPSS set

The TIPS set from COOK Medical is the go-to set for Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts. The set includes:

  • RÖSCH-UCHIDA access needle and includes most components necessary for each step of the procedure for intrahepatic vascular access (stent excluded)
  • Pre-shaped metal needle guide that is inserted over a guidewire and is usually placed in the right hepatic vein.
  • Separate wire guides to meet specific procedural needs.
  • The patented Flexor® sheath design provides maximum flexibility without kinking or compression.
  • A radiopaque band on the introducer increases visibility for positioning accuracy.
  • The stiffening cannula provides added support during puncture.

Catheter Fixation Devices

Suitable for stabilizing & fixating a large range of catheters, such as nephrostomy, (post-op) drainage catheters, gripper needles (Port-a-cath), thrombolysis catheters, jejunostomy, tubing's, cables and drivelines (eg. LVAD) etc.


Full range; 4,5 – 9 Fr, Skin-safe hydrocolloid adhesive
Superior securement; three point fixation, Low profile & cushioning catheter retainer
180 degree turn of the catheter, CVC secured on the chest Prevent CVC dislodgement and migration
Reduce CLABSI by reducing catheter pistoning and skin-disruption from sutures
Prevents MARSI
Enhanced patient comfort , Allowing easy access to extension sets
Eliminating complications related to neck motion and beard growth under the dressing


1-size-fits-all; 20-16G
Repositionable, Up to twice as strong as comparator products, Low profile & soft materials Safe & secure fixation; preventing catheter migration
Simple & easy operation
Optimal patient comfort


1-size-fits-all; 3-6 Fr, Three point fixation, Skin-safe hypoallergenic adhesive,
Low profile & cushioning catheter. Prevents catheter migration, dislodgment, occlusion, infiltration, extrasavation
Decreases risk of PICC infection by preventing catheter pistoning.
Prevents MARSI
Delivers optimal patient comfort.

FlexGRIP® Universal

Large diameter range: 5-18 Fr, Easy to use; pre-mounted fixation leash, Unmatched strength of securement, Additional lock for leash with soft materials only. Skin-safe hypoallergenic adhesive.
Universal system, wide variety of applications, Prevent catheter migration & related complications, Extra safety lip prevents accidental loosening
Prevent MARSI – Medical Adhesive Related Skin Injury
Optimal patient comfort